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Byng Public Schools

Transfer Availability Data


Thank you for visiting our website to learn more about our student transfer policy. We appreciate your interest in Byng.  We do our best to welcome additional students to our district whenever possible.

Byng makes decisions about student transfers under district policy and state law. You can download our comprehensive district policy below; however, we are providing the following information for your convenience:

  • The state Department of Education requires that the following form be completed to apply for a transfer: Student Transfer Application
  • Parents needing technology access to print or complete the form can visit any school site or the superintendent’s office.
  • New transfers are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The 24-25 school year applications can be submitted through the Oklahoma State Department of Education beginning June 1, 2024. Per current policy FE (see below) Byng transfers for the 2024-2025 school year will begin being processed after July 1st.  Students who attended the district on a transfer during the 2023-24 school year will be automatically accepted pending approval from the district. The law also gives preference to children of active-duty military personnel and school personnel.
  • To accept a transfer, enrollment in the grade the parent requests must be under the district-established capacity. The district’s capacity and vacancy numbers for each grade and school are below.
  • Transfers may be denied based on capacity, attendance, and discipline issues.
  • Transfers for siblings will be considered separately.
  • If the grade a student requests is over capacity, he/she will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list.
  • Transportation is not provided for students on an open transfer.
  • Transfer students must abide by eligibility requirements established by the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association (OSSAA) for OSSAA-sanctioned activities.
  • Transfer decisions may be appealed following the process described in Byng Policy FE.

For more transfer information, visit the Oklahoma State Department of Education Website.

State Law (SB 783)

Administrative Code 210:10-1-18, 210:10-1-8.1

For additional questions, you can contact the Site Principal or the District Registrar

District Registrar,

Byng High School, Jon Jamar

Byng Junior High, Josh Turner

Byng Elementary, Holly Wood

Homer Upper Elementary (2nd-5th grade), Lisa Shores,

Homer Lower Elementary (PK-1st grade), Vicki Wilson,

Francis Elementary, Johna Hancock,